Sunday 15 May 2016

My Pet Peeves

Everybody has pet peeves. And I'm sure everybody's is slightly different. What you might not like, may not bother someone else and vice versa.

In today's post I'm going to share with you some of my biggest pet peeves, and who knows, we might even have the same ones! Keep reading to find out!

People eating with their mouth open so you can hear them chewing - I HATE when people do this. Not only does it sound horrible .. No-one wants to see the chewed up food in your mouth!

Putting on clothes/dressing gown when you are wet - I don't know why, but I hate when I see people do this. Like, if you've just got out the shower and you put your dressing gown straight on before drying. When I used to go swimming with school, there would be girls with long hair, dripping down their backs, and they would put there top on with a wet back. It makes me feel horrible and I don't know how people can do it! Which brings me onto my next one...

Smothering your feet in lotion and putting socks on - Again, not quite sure as to why I don't like this, but I don't. It just makes me cringe. My sister used to shout me, so I'd go to her and she would do it in front of me because she knew I hated it!

When you hold a door open for someone and they don't say Thankyou - Now this really annoys me. Like seriously, if I'm kind enough to hold a door open for you to walk through before me, you can atleast say Thankyou. Manners don't cost a thing! If it happens to me, I normally just say 'You're welcome!' in a loud enough voice so they can hear me. A bit of common courtesy never hurt anyone!

When someone talks over you when you're in the middle of a sentence - You can clearly see I am having a conversation with this person so don't come over and completley cut me off to talk about something totally different to the person I was talking to! And don't cut me off half way through a sentence and start talking to someone else. It's rude and really annoying!

When you're watching a film and someone in the room keeps talking - If I'm watching a film or tv programme, I would like to hear it so I know what's going on. If I wanted to sit and chat, I wouldn't be watching a film. It annoys me when you're watching a film for the first time with someone, and they keep asking you questions like 'who's that?' 'Why are they there?' 'What are hey going to do' ... I don't know! I've not seen it before, stop asking questions and just watch the film, then maybe you'll know what's going on!

When people walk really slow or suddenly stop in front of you - Don't you just hate it when you're walking down the street and the person I front of you is walking really slow. Or when they just suddenly stop with no warning and you almost walk into them. It's even worse when there is a group of people taking up the whole path, walking really slow. Like, don't walk really slow AND take up the whole of the walkway, atleast leave a little gap so people can walk past you!

I also did a video about this, so if you would like to watch that, then I will leave a link when it's up.

What are some of your pet peeves?

Love Sophie xx

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