Sunday 1 May 2016


A very big welcome to my first blog post!!

Well, this isn't actually my first blog post. Around about March last year (2015), I started a blog called OneGirlsObsessions, which then changed to HereInWanderland. I posted on that blog for about 7 months until one day I thought I would give YouTube a go, Yes .. I now have a YouTube channel if you didn't already know 😜, and instead of using my blog along side my channel, I just completely neglected it and stopped blogging! (I know.... STUPID).

 So now I have decided to start from the begining and make a whole new blog!

 On this blog you can expect to find blog posts to go along side my YouTube videos for those of you who prefer to read about stuff rather than watch a video about it, or if you like to do both, I will leave a link in all of my posts to the video it is associated with, so you can read the post AND watch the video if you wish!

I truly hope you all enjoy this blog and can come along with me on my YouTube journey! I really enjoy making videos and I want to share that enjoyment with everyone!

If you want to check out my channel now, you can click here.

See you all very soon!
Love Sophie xx

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