Sunday 22 May 2016

Snapchat Tricks You Might Not Know!

Snapchat is very popular at the moment and I know a lot of people use it, so I'm going to share with you 5 snapchat tricks that will make your snaps even better than they already are!

1. Draw using black and white..
When drawing on your photo, you will see there is no black or white colours. To get these colours, all you have to do is scroll all the way down from the top of the colours to the bottom of your screen  and you will get black. To get white, scroll from the top of the colours over to the top left corner of your screen. Simple. You can also scroll left from any colour to get pastel colours!

2. Use more than one Filter..
To use more than one filter, just slide across to the filter you want (say black and white for example) and hold one finger down on the screen, still holding your finger down, slide across again to get the date, time or temperature on top of your first filter. And if you also use a lense... That's 3 layers on your snap!

3. Play music in your snap..
If  you want to have a certain song playing in your video, just play the song on your phone and start recording. The song will be crisp and clear and you'll have music in your video!

4. Write bigger captions..
You know when you want to write a caption on your picture but don't have enough space to fit it all in? Well don't worry about that anymore! Just go off snapchat and into your notes app on your phone, hit the return button a few times so the curser goes down the page a bit, hold onto the screen and click select all and then copy. Go back onto snapchat and tap the screen so the text bar comes up, hold down on the text bar and click paste. Whalah... You don't have to worry about not having enough space to write your caption!

5. Take a photo with your volume buttons.. 
Have you ever tried to take a snap but not been able to get the right angle or the perfect snap because you can't hold your phone and press the button to take the picture? Well worry no more, just use your volume buttons on the side of your phone to take the picture! No more dropping your phone or giving up all together, just use this simple trick!

That's all of the tips I'm going to share today. I hope they atleast helped one of you?! If you already knew them, then Thankyou for taking your time to read this post anyway!

I also made a video on my YouTube channel with examples if you would like to watch and subscribe!

Follow me on snapchat, my username is 'sophieloves248' and while you're at it, why don't you follow me on Bloglovin too!

See you soon,
Love, Sophie xx

Sunday 15 May 2016

My Pet Peeves

Everybody has pet peeves. And I'm sure everybody's is slightly different. What you might not like, may not bother someone else and vice versa.

In today's post I'm going to share with you some of my biggest pet peeves, and who knows, we might even have the same ones! Keep reading to find out!

People eating with their mouth open so you can hear them chewing - I HATE when people do this. Not only does it sound horrible .. No-one wants to see the chewed up food in your mouth!

Putting on clothes/dressing gown when you are wet - I don't know why, but I hate when I see people do this. Like, if you've just got out the shower and you put your dressing gown straight on before drying. When I used to go swimming with school, there would be girls with long hair, dripping down their backs, and they would put there top on with a wet back. It makes me feel horrible and I don't know how people can do it! Which brings me onto my next one...

Smothering your feet in lotion and putting socks on - Again, not quite sure as to why I don't like this, but I don't. It just makes me cringe. My sister used to shout me, so I'd go to her and she would do it in front of me because she knew I hated it!

When you hold a door open for someone and they don't say Thankyou - Now this really annoys me. Like seriously, if I'm kind enough to hold a door open for you to walk through before me, you can atleast say Thankyou. Manners don't cost a thing! If it happens to me, I normally just say 'You're welcome!' in a loud enough voice so they can hear me. A bit of common courtesy never hurt anyone!

When someone talks over you when you're in the middle of a sentence - You can clearly see I am having a conversation with this person so don't come over and completley cut me off to talk about something totally different to the person I was talking to! And don't cut me off half way through a sentence and start talking to someone else. It's rude and really annoying!

When you're watching a film and someone in the room keeps talking - If I'm watching a film or tv programme, I would like to hear it so I know what's going on. If I wanted to sit and chat, I wouldn't be watching a film. It annoys me when you're watching a film for the first time with someone, and they keep asking you questions like 'who's that?' 'Why are they there?' 'What are hey going to do' ... I don't know! I've not seen it before, stop asking questions and just watch the film, then maybe you'll know what's going on!

When people walk really slow or suddenly stop in front of you - Don't you just hate it when you're walking down the street and the person I front of you is walking really slow. Or when they just suddenly stop with no warning and you almost walk into them. It's even worse when there is a group of people taking up the whole path, walking really slow. Like, don't walk really slow AND take up the whole of the walkway, atleast leave a little gap so people can walk past you!

I also did a video about this, so if you would like to watch that, then I will leave a link when it's up.

What are some of your pet peeves?

Love Sophie xx

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Trying American Candy

I love America. I'd love to go to America. It is literally one of my biggest dreams!
So as I haven't been to America yet nor do I see myself going any time in the near future (because I can't afford it!) I decided to treat myself to a little bit of the USA by buying some American candy to try!

In today's post I'm going to share with you what candy I bought, and my tasting experience. Basically, I'm going to tell you whether I liked them or not. :)

Warheads Chewy Cubes
"With a midly sour coating that's just right, and a sweet chewy center that's outta' sight" 
I personally didn't find these sour at all. They are very soft so are easy to eat and they're not really too chewy. I really liked the taste of them! All in all, I would recommend these sweets to anyone.

War Heads Sour Jelly Beans
"Artificial assorted fruit flavoured sour jelly beans"
Again, I did not find these at all sour. When you first take them out of the packet they don't look or feel like your traditional jelly bean. They feel quite hard where normal jelly beans are soft and squidgy. But when you put them into your mouth, they are actually really easy and soft to bite into. Same as before, I really liked these sweets and would buy them again!

"Sugar coated fruit shaped candy. Naturally flavoured"
These tiny peices of candy are really cute! They are all shaped like the fruit the taste like e.g. Banana or Apple. They are quite hard and do make a loud crunch when you bite into them. I'm not actually quite sure if you're supposed to bite into them or suck them, but I just went straight in for the bite! Once you've bitten into them, you can really taste the flavour. And you can instantly tell what flavour they are! Not so much for people who don't like hard sweets that you have to crunch to eat, but for everybody else, I would recommend this candy. They're  really tasty!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
"Bite size chocolate chip cookie dough bites with milk chocolate flavour coating"
If you're like me and love both chocolate AND cookie dough.. Then you will love these! They are chocolatey on the outside but soft and delicious on the inside! They are really good and I would definitely suggest trying these!

Nestle Butterfinger Bites
"A flaky, crisp peanut butter flavoured center covered with caramel compound chocolate and toffee"
These are quite big. Well bigger than the cookie dough bites anyway. They are basically chocolate covered cornfalkes with peanut butter. The peanut butter in these is a very strong taste. I am not the biggest fan of peanut butter so unfortunately I was not the biggest fan of these. But if you like cornaflakes and you like peanut butter, then I'm sure you'll love them!

Reese's Peices
"Peanut butter candy center in a sugar candy shell"
To me, these were just like m&ms but with a hint of peanut butter. They look like little m&ms and have the same texture. I actually liked these, even though they have peanut butter in them, but like I said before, it's just a little hint of peanut butter so it's not overpowering. If you like m&ms, I'm sure you will like these!

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
"A milk chocolate cup confection made of chocolate coated peanut butter"
These were so cute! They were individually packaged, and they are in tiny, what look like to me, cupcake cases. At first sight, it just looks like chocolate, but when you bite into it, there is a soft peanut butter centre. Now you might be thinking 'Sophie, you said you didn't like peanut butter' .. I did. But just like the Reese's Peices, the peanut butter isn't too overpowering and so I actually didn't think they were too bad!

"Golden sponge cake with creamy filling"
This is what I was most excited about trying. Everybody has heard of Twinkies and how amazing they are. Well to be completely honest, I was quite disappointed. To me, they were very plain and boring. With all the hype about them, I expected more. Don't get me wrong, they are not horrible, but they're not what I was expecting.

If you want to watch the video of me trying all of these different candies, then click HERE.

What's your favourite American Candy?

Love, Sophie xx

*Reeses peanut butter cups and Twinkies pictures are from Google images. All other images used in this post are my own*

Monday 2 May 2016

Primark Haul Price List

The other week I went on a shopping trip to Primark with my mum and brother. Well they went so they could buy clothes for their holiday, I just tagged along! I needed to get some clothes for the up and coming warmer months. I actually spent quite a bit of money (more than I intended to) and decided to film a Primark haul and try on video.

In this post, I'm going to share with you everything I bought and their prices. Unfortunately this time there won't be any photos to share with you, just because I filmed the video before I started this blog, and to be quite frank, I can't be bothered to go and try everything on again to take photos 😳

But I'll write this post anyway and if you want to go and watch the video to see exactly what I bought and what they look like on, I will leave the link at the end!

100 Cosmetic cotton face pads: £0.99

3 Peice necklace: £3.00

Triangle necklace: £3.00

Pack of 3 socks: £2.00

Pack of 3 Scrunchies (pink and black): £1.00

Pack of 3 Scrunchies (coral, denim and white): £2.00

Pack of 3 pairs of knickers: £3.00

Another pack of 3 knickers: £3.00

White pyjama vest top: £2.50

Teddy bear pyjama leggings: £6.00

Pink vest top: £2.50

Grey vest top: £2.50

Black spaghetti strap vest top: £1.80

White spaghetti strap vest top: £1.80

Orange lace up vest top: £8.00

White ripped jeans: £15.00

White canvas pumps: £6.00

Looking at it like that it doesn't seem like it would add up to much, well that's what I thought, but in the end I actually ended up spending £72!!

If you would like to see the video and see me try them all on, then you can click right HERE.

Thankyou for reading and I hope everyone's having a great Bank Holiday!

Love, Sophie xx

Sunday 1 May 2016


A very big welcome to my first blog post!!

Well, this isn't actually my first blog post. Around about March last year (2015), I started a blog called OneGirlsObsessions, which then changed to HereInWanderland. I posted on that blog for about 7 months until one day I thought I would give YouTube a go, Yes .. I now have a YouTube channel if you didn't already know 😜, and instead of using my blog along side my channel, I just completely neglected it and stopped blogging! (I know.... STUPID).

 So now I have decided to start from the begining and make a whole new blog!

 On this blog you can expect to find blog posts to go along side my YouTube videos for those of you who prefer to read about stuff rather than watch a video about it, or if you like to do both, I will leave a link in all of my posts to the video it is associated with, so you can read the post AND watch the video if you wish!

I truly hope you all enjoy this blog and can come along with me on my YouTube journey! I really enjoy making videos and I want to share that enjoyment with everyone!

If you want to check out my channel now, you can click here.

See you all very soon!
Love Sophie xx

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>